Tuesday, September 25, 2007

numb in the fingers

Storms are rolling in and I wish I were on my couch, surrounded by my cats and blankets watching like, four movies in a row. Instead, I am attempting to write before work, despite my complete disinterest in doing so. That disinterest has resulted in this miserable excuse for a blog entry.

My dad is getting married. He called me and told me today, which is completely wonderful. Yes, he just met this woman (my future step-mom…weird) a month ago, but I have seen the two of them together, so in love. He deserves it. She is moving here from Mexico and I’m going to have two new siblings.

I need to learn Spanish.

Last night I hung out with amazing people and danced to "Be My Baby" in front of a jukebox.

Sometimes it takes a $3 whiskey drink, really cool people and a jukebox full of glory to make you realize how good life can be.

I could use some more of that right about now...

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